According to today's
article from CNN, nearly half of those who took advantage of the FIRST TIME HOME BUYER TAX CREDIT in 2009 are going to have to pay it back...and the IRS is going to
SORT it out. Without making too much of an editorial comment I suggest that if you were one who qualified for and took the credit...check with your tax consultant to see which side of the line you are on. Of the 1,800,000 who took the tax credit the article says that 950,000 will have to pay it back. I know that many in the "Narrows Neighborhood" I serve rushed to buy homes as the deadlines and extended deadlines for the tax credit approached. Had I been eligible I am sure that I would have used it as well.
With the news today from CNN my best advice is to check it out before that IRS mail comes out.
If you are currently thinking of buying or selling a home or need a referral to an expert agent in the area you are moving to please contact me through my blog or at
Karin Kay Properties.