Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Inez Glass a Narrows Neighbor of Note!

I have been blessed over the years to work in one capacity or another with many extraordinary people. Because they neither seek nor receive celebrity status the world at large misses the inspiration of their lives well lived. One such person is a native of University Place, Inez Glass.

When I saw the article in The News Tribune about her life of purpose and sacrifice I wanted to be sure to offer this writer's hearty AMEN! From Army Nurse to Nursing Home founder to compassionate friend of many Inez has lived out her faith and commitment to others daily.

Please read the article and join many of your neighbors whose lives have been blessed by this Narrows Neighbor of Note.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Worthy of Willy Wonka! Tacoma's Proctor District Chocolate Fest

OOMPA LOOMPA OOMPA LOOMPA...Its that time again! The third annual Proctor District Chocolate Fest is here. I know, I know, but Rob the diet! Well, I've fallen off of quite a few things in my life I might as well fall off of the chocolate wagon again.
Starting today and running through October 10th you can enjoy chocolate in every form, shade and taste while visiting one of Tacoma's truly unique and historic neighborhoods.
If you find yourself falling in love with the homes as well as the chocolate please contact me through this blog or at Karin Kay Properties . I would love to help you relocate to the Proctor District.